Seared Sesame-Crusted Tuna

Seared Sesame-Crusted Tuna Healthy Recipe

4 Servings 2 min Cook

Macros/Serving: 336 Calories
Tags:paleo | meat


4 Fillet Ahi Tuna Steaks
3/4 Cup Sesame Seeds
1 Dash Salt
1 Dash Pepper
2 Tbsp Canola Oil


In a shallow dish, combine 1/2 cup white sesame seeds and 1/4 cup black sesame seeds and stir to mix.

Season the tuna with salt and pepper, and dredge each filet in the sesame seeds.

Be sure to coat each side evenly.

In a non-stick pan, heat the oil until smoking.

Arrange the tuna in the pan, and make sure not to overcrowd.

Cook for about one minute until the seeds start to turn golden underneath.

Carefully, turn the tuna over and cook for about another minute.

Transfer the tuna to a cutting board, and cut into 1/4 inch thick slices.

Serve immediately.