Vegan Cookies

Vegan Cookies Healthy Recipe

8 Servings 15 min Cook

Macros/Serving: 140 Calories
Tags:paleo | desserts


3 Large (8" to 8-7/8" long) Banana
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Oatmeal
1 3/4 Oz (60 raisins) Raisins
6 Tbsp Sunflower Seed Kernels


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Blend the bananas and vanilla.

Pour part of the oatmeal.

Again blend.

Pour oatmeal until you get a thick porridge.

Pour the raisins and sunflower seeds and fold to combine.

On a parchment lined baking tray begin to shape the cookies in this way: scooping a tablespoon of the mixture and pushing it onto the paper.

Then gently press the top down.

Bake for about 15 minutes until set.
