4 Servings 15 min Cook
4 1/2 Cup, chopped or diced Broccoli
1 Small Onions
3 Extra large Egg
1 Cup Organic Coconut Flour
1 Dash Salt
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
In a food processor pulverize the broccoli and onion until they're in very small pieces.
Transfer to a bowl.
In the bowl, mix together with the remaining ingredients except the oil.
Mix until a batter is formed.
In a frying pan, heat the coconut oil.
Drop roughly 1/4 c portions onto the pan as pancakes.
Let cook for about 3 – 4 minutes on low on each side, flipping very carefully.
You want it to get some color on the sides.
Serve hot.