4 Servings 15 min Cook
2 Medium (2-1/2" dia) Onions
1/4 Cup Vegetable Broth
2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 Cup Pumpkin
2 Tsp Maple Syrups
1/2 Tsp Chili Powder
1/4 Tsp Paprika
1/4 Tsp Rosemary
1/4 Pinch Cayenne Pepper
1 Medium (3" dia) Apples
4 Tortilla (approx 7-8" dia) Tortillas
In a large skillet (I used non-stick) on the stove, heat ¼ cup vegetable broth over medium heat.
Slice onions thin and add to pan.
Cook for about 30 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes or so, until dark and caramelized.
You may need to add an additional tbsp or 2 of vegetable broth if the onions start to stick too much.
As they cook down, try to keep them in one even layer.
If it's ok if they overlap a little, but you don't want a too high of a mound of onions because then they will simply steam and not caramelize.
While onions cook, in a small bowl stir together pumpkin, maple syrup, chili powder, smoked paprika, rosemary and cayenne.
Set aside.
Slice apple into thin slices and set aside as well.
When the onions are caramelized, turn off the heat and add the balsamic vinegar.
Stir to coat.
Take one tortilla and lay it flat.
Spread a quarter of the pumpkin mixture all over the whole thing.
Place a quarter of the onion mixture over one half of the pumpkin puree.
Place a quarter of the apple on top of the onions.
Fold the half of the tortilla that only has pumpkin on it over the other half and set aside.
Continue with the remaining tortillas in the same way.
Heat a skillet over medium heat (you can just wipe with a paper towel the one used for the onions).
Spray it with a little cooking spray, if necessary, and place the folded tortillas in the pan, one or two at a time.
Do not overcrowd the pan.
Cook for a few minutes on each side until brown and crisp.
Repeat with any remaining tortillas.
Serve warm.