4 Servings 5 min Cook
1 2/3 Package (10 oz) Cauliflower
1 Clove Garlic
1 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
2 Tbsp Chives
1 Dash Salt
1 Dash Pepper
Cook the cauliflower according to the package directions until it's very soft, but not waterlogged.
Drain the water from the cauliflower and place the florets in the food processor.
In a microwave-safe bowl or small suacepan, heat the garlic, coconut oil, coconut milk, salt, and pepper for about 1 minute.
Puree the cauliflower in the bowl of a food processor, scraping down the dies.
Add the coconut milk to the processor, along with 1 tablespoon chives.
Process about 10 seconds.
Taste and adjust seasonings.
Sprinkle with remaining chives before serving.