Fuji Apple Chicken Salad

Fuji Apple Chicken Salad Healthy Recipe

1 Servings 8 min Cook

Macros/Serving: 1588 Calories
Tags:keto | salads


1/2 Lb Chicken Breast
1 Tsp Salt
1 Cups Spring Mix
1 Medium (2-1/2" dia) Onions
1 Cup, chopped Pecans
4 Oz Blue Cheese
1 Oz Apple Chips
1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinega


Season chicken breasts with seasoning salt and cook on both sides for 3-4 minutes each in a greased skillet or pan over medium heat or until cooked through and no longer pink.

Cut into pieces and set aside.

In a large bowl toss together mixed greens, sliced onions, and chicken.

Sprinkle pecans, cheese crumbles, and apple chips on top.

Serve with dressing and enjoy.