5-minute Honey Yogurt Quinoa Parfait

5-minute Honey Yogurt Quinoa Parfait Healthy Recipe

1 Servings

Macros/Serving: 391 Calories
Tags: | breakfast


1/2 Cup Quinoa
2/3 Oz Nonfat Greek Yogurt
2 Tsp Honey
1/4 Cup Cheerios
1/4 Cup Muesli
1 Cup arils (seed/juice sacs) Pomegranates


Prepare quinoa as per package directons (or use leftovers from a previous meal).

Mix the Greek yogurt with the quinoa and the honey.

Layer half of the yogurt mixture into the bottom of a round glass.

Cover with half of the cereal, half of the pomegranate arils, and repeat layers once more.

Serve immediately!