Not only is cottage cheese tasty—it's healthy, too!. It's high in protein and calcium which is great for the whole family (specially kids). If you are a cottage cheese lover, You will love this recipe list.
We have collected 21 Cottage Cheese recipe ideas, so you are never out of ideas when the time comes to eat your cottage cheese. Enjoy.
Main Ingredients:
Chicken breast, Tomatoes, Olive oil, Cottage cheese
Main Ingredients:
Deli cut turkey, Cottage cheese, Lettuce
Main Ingredients:
Whole-wheat bread, Spinach, Cottage cheese, Tomatoes
Main Ingredients:
Lettuce, Multi-grain bread, Cottage cheese, Hummus
Main Ingredients:
Oatmeal, Cottage cheese, Vanilla extract, Egg white
Main Ingredients:
Cottage cheese, Salsa, Canned black beans, Lettuce
Main Ingredients:
Cottage cheese, Wheat flour, Vegetable oil, Egg
Main Ingredients:
Pickles, Jalapeno peppers, Cottage cheese, Tuna, Mustard